viernes, 29 de junio de 2007

Dingo en USA/ Dingo in the USA

Bueno les cuento que Dingo esta bien y hace ejercicios para no engordar y convertirse en un gringo por completo.

Good them story that Dingo this well and make exercises not to get fat and to become a gringo completely.

En su página dejo unos cuantos videos, así que entren en y miren los videos.

In its page I leave a few videos, so they enter and they watch the videos.

Clicken los sponsors de la pagina de Dingo y de esta tambien y dejen comentarios.

Clicken sponsors of the page of Dingo and this also and leaves commentaries.

domingo, 24 de junio de 2007

Alinghi vs. Emirates Team New Zealand

Este fin de semana empezaron las regatas del Alinghi y el Emirates Team New Zealand. El sábado se realizo la primer Mach Race la cual gano el Alinghi por 30 seg. aprox. El domingo se realizo la segunda Mach Race que esta vez gano el Emirates Team New Zealand por 28 seg. aprox.

This weekend began the regattas of the Alinghi and the Emirates Team New Zealand. Saturday I am made first Mach Race which I gain the Alinghi by 30 seg. approx. Sunday I am made second Mach Race that this time I gain the Emirates Team New Zealand by 28 seg. approx.

El campeonato esta empatado 1-1 y mañana es día de descanso. El martes se correrá la tercer Mach Race y en Argentina se puede ver en vivo a través de ESPN a las 9:30 a.m. Ahora les cuento un poco de la regata.

The championship this tied 1-1 and tomorrow is day of rest. Tuesday Mach Race will be run third and in Argentina story a little the regatta can live be seen through ESPN 9:30 a.m. Now them story a little the regata.

Las previsiones meteorológicas para la segunda jornada del America’s Cup Match by Louis Vuitton indicaban que la intensidad del viento iba a estar en apenas 8 nudos, pero a la hora del inicio de la regata, el térmico despertaba y se establecía en 10 nudos del Sureste. En el Port America’s Cup, decenas de miles de personas despedían a los barcos cuando alrededor de las 13:00 surcaban el canal en dirección al campo de regatas. Un día más, el ambiente en tierra era inolvidable. Dos horas después, el SUI 100 y el NZL 92 iban a cruzar la línea en busca de la victoria en una regata antológica. Este será el primer America’s Cup Match desde 1992 en el que el vencedor no logra ganar todas las regatas

The meteorological forecasts for the second day of America's Cup Match by Louis Vuitton indicated that the intensity of the wind was going to be in hardly 8 knots, but at the time of the beginning of the regatta, the thermal one woke up and it settled down in 10 knots of the Southeastern. To the Port America's Cup, tens of thousands of people dismissed the boats when around 13:00 furrowed the channel in the direction of the field of regattas. A day more, the earth atmosphere was unforgettable. Two hours later, the SUI 100 and NZL 92 were going to cross the line in search of the victory in an anthological regatta. This it will be the first America' s Cup Match from 1992 in which the winner does not manage to gain all the regatas

MATCH 2 – Emirates Team New Zealand gana a Alinghi – DELTA 00:28
Alinghi entraba tarde en la caja de presalida y Dean Barker era capaz de cruzar la proa del SUI 100 para escapar de su control. Ambos barcos iban a pugnar por la salida en la parte baja, muy cerca de los cientos de barcos de espectadores que se habían dado cita alrededor del campo. Los kiwis se hacían con el lado derecho a escasos dos minutos de la salida y Barker lograba colocar una porción de su proa a sotavento de Alinghi para empujar a Baird contra la línea. Los suizos viraban a escasos centímetros del caso kiwi y se marchaban a la derecha para luego virar de nuevo y cruzar la proa del NZL 92 en busca de la izquierda. Terry Hutchinson ondeaba la bandera ‘Y’ reclamando penalización contra los suizos, pero los jueces no apreciaban ilegalidad en su maniobra.

MATCH 2 - Emirates Team New Zealand gains to Alinghi - 00:28 DELTA
Alinghi entered the box of preexit behind schedule and Dean Barker was able to cross the prow of SUI 100 to escape of his control. Both boats were going to struggle by the exit in the low part, closely together of the hundreds of boats of spectators who had met around the field. Kiwis took control of the right side to little two minutes of the exit and Barker managed to place a portion of his prow to leeward of Alinghi to push Baird against the line. The Swiss turned to little centimeters of the case kiwi and they left to the right soon to turn and to cross the prow of NZL 92 in search of the left again. Terry Hutchinson waved the flag `and' demanding penalty against the Swiss, but the judges did not appreciate illegality in their maneuver.

Al igual que ayer, Dean Barker cruzaba la línea clavando el cronómetro, amurado a estribor y a barlovento de Alinghi, que salía casi una eslora por detrás. Pero la ventaja del NZL 92 caía en apenas dos minutos, el tiempo que al barco suizo le costaba remontar para colocarse 8 metros por delante. En ese instante, los kiwis viraban para marcharse a buscar la derecha. Menos de 60 segundos después, el patrón del SUI 100, Brad Butterworth, daba la orden de virar a Ed Baird. De nuevo, tal y como ocurrió en la primera jornada, ambos barcos hacían un segundo bordo muy largo amurados a babor, con los kiwis a sotavento. La gran diferencia entre las dos regatas iba a ser la estabilidad del viento. En la primera jornada, los roles y las rachas habían impedido apreciar si el SUI 100 era más rápido que el NZL 92. Sin embargo, al inicio de la segunda regata, el barco diseñado por Rolf Vrolijk y Manuel Ruíz de Elvira aparentaba ser superior.

Like yesterday, Dean Barker crossed the line nailing the chronometer, hauled in to starboard and windward of Alinghi, that left almost one length behind. But the advantage of NZL 92 fell hardly in two minutes, the time that to the Swiss boat cost to him to overcome to be placed 8 meters ahead. At that moment, kiwis turned to leave to look for the right. Less than 60 seconds later, the pattern of SUI 100, Brad Butterworth, issued the order to turn to Ed Baird. Again, so and as it happened in the first day, both boats did a second I embroider very long hauled in to port, with kiwis to leeward. The great difference between the two regatas was going to be the stability of the wind. In the first day, the rolls and the gusts of wind had prevented to appreciate if SUI 100 were faster than NZL 92. Nevertheless, at the beginning of the second regata, the boat designed by Rolf Vrolijk and Manuel Ruiz de Elvira pretended to be superior.

En el centro del campo, los kiwis decidían virar para buscar el cruce y Alinghi pasaba a 70 metros de su proa para hacerse con la derecha. Muy poco después se iba a producir el segundo encuentro entre ambos y los neozelandeses habían arañado la mitad de la ventaja de los suizos. Y en cuanto los barcos habían acelerado lo suficiente, volvían a virar para buscarse. La escena se iba a repetir hasta en cuatro ocasiones antes de llegar a la boya de barlovento y Alinghi montaba 19 segundos antes.

In center of the field, kiwis decided to turn to look for the crossing and Alinghi happened to 70 meters of its prow to take control of the right. Very shortly after one was going away to produce the second encounter between both and the neozelandeses had scratched half of the advantage of the Swiss. And as soon as the boats had accelerated the sufficient thing, returned to turn to look for. The scene was going away to repeat until in four occasions before arriving at the windward buoy and Alinghi mounted 19 seconds before.

En la empopada, el SUI 100 decidía trasluchar primero, mientras los kiwis continuaban con su rumbo y ganaban metros. Butterworth mandaba a su carro y estratega a lo más alto de palo. Desde allí, Murray Jones se dedicaría a buscar las zonas más favorecidas del campo de regatas. Y en muy poco tiempo, el SUI 100 volvía a estar tres esloras por delante

In the empopada one, SUI 100 decided to trasbuchar first, while kiwis continued with their course and gained meters. Butterworth sent to his car and strategist to upper of wood. Thence, Murray Jones would dedicate itself to look for the favored zones more of the field of regattas. And in very just a short time, SUI 100 returned to be three lengths ahead

En la puerta de sotavento, Alinghi optaba por la boya izquierda y Emirates Team New Zealand lo hacía por la de la derecha. La decisión le iba a dar al NZL 92 el lado favorecido por el reglamento y quizá también por el viento. Los kiwis arañaban 6 segundos y se colocaban a una eslora. La segunda ceñida iba a ser apasionante.

In the leeward door, Alinghi decided on the left buoy and Emirates Team New Zealand did by the one of the right. The decision was going to perhaps give to 92 NZL the side to him favored by the regulation and also by the wind. Kiwis scratched 6 seconds and they were placed to a length. Second fitted it was going to be exciting.

En el primer cruce, Alinghi hacía uso de su liderazgo y se marchaba a la derecha para recuperar el lado que habían dejado en manos de los kiwis. Pero en el segundo, Butterworth ordenaba la virada antes de cruzar por delante del NZL 92, y Terry Hutchinson y Dean Barker decidían continuar amurados a babor para colocarse a barlovento y navegar en paralelo. En una maniobra, los kiwis le habían dado la vuelta a la regata.

In the first crossing, Alinghi made use of its leadership and it left to the right to recover the side that had left into the hands of kiwis. But in the second, Butterworth ordered the turned one before crossing in front of NZL 92, and Terry Hutchinson and Dean Barker decided to continue hauled in to port to be placed to windward and to sail in parallel. In a maneuver, kiwis had given the return him to the regatta.

Baird trataba a toda costa de acercar los costados de ambos barcos para enviar viento sucio a las velas de Dean Barker, que aguantaba el máximo tiempo posible antes de virar para buscar la boya de barlovento. Esto iba a dar 14 metros de ventaja al NZL 92 en un último bordo que iba a extenderse más de 1.500 metros. Alinghi se veía obligado a navegar a barlovento del barco kiwi en una posición de clara desventaja y por fuera del layline. Emirates Team New Zealand iniciaría el último tramo 15 segundos antes.

Baird at all costs tried to approach the flanks of both boats to send dirty wind to the candles of Dean Barker, who held the maximum possible time before turning to look for the windward buoy. This was going to give 14 meters of advantage to NZL 92 in a last one I embroider that it was going to extend more than 1,500 meters. Alinghi was forced to sail to windward of the boat kiwi in a position of clear disadvantage and by outside lay line. Emirates Team New Zealand would initiate the last section 15 seconds before.

Por primera vez, Dean Barker y sus hombres lograban montar una boya por delante. Y no iba a ser otra que la última antes de la línea de llegada. En el último tramo de popa, Butterworth lo intentaba todo, mientras los kiwis cubrían cada uno de sus movimientos. No había nada que los suizos pudieran hacer ya, Terry Hutchinson se había hecho con el control del juego táctico y estaba utilizando su manual de regatas. El táctico de Alinghi, Brad Butterworth, nunca había caído en una regata del duelo definitivo desde que lo disputó por primera vez en 1995, hace 12 años y tres ediciones.

For the first time, Dean Barker and his men managed to mount a buoy ahead। And he was not going to be other than the last one before the line of impact. In the last stern section, Butterworth tried everything, while kiwis covered each one with their movements. There was nothing Swiss them could do already, Terry Hutchinson had taken control of the control of the tactical game and was using his manual of regattas. The tactical one of Alinghi, Brad Butterworth, never had fallen in a regatta of the definitive duel since it disputed it for the first time in 1995, 12 years ago and three editions.
Algunos videos

viernes, 22 de junio de 2007

Copa América/ America’s Cup

El 23 de junio se enfrenta el New Zealand (El desafiante) vs. el Alinghi (El defensor). La regata se larga a las 14:50 hs de Valencia, o sea a las 4:50 hs de Argentina.

The 23 of June the New Zealand (the challenging one) versus faces. the Alinghi (the defender). The regatta releases to 14:50 hs of Valencia that is to 4:50 hs of Argentina.

Emirates Team New Zealand y Alinghi han sido los equipos más potentes durante los 13 Louis Vuitton Acts disputados entre 2004 y 2007. Los kiwis han ganado dos de ellos (Actos 2 y 12), y los suizos nada menos que ocho (Actos 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 y 13). Además, ambos se han repartido las tres temporadas de America’s Cup: Emirates Team New Zealand ganó las de 2004 y 2006, Alinghi la de 2005. Unos números que confirman que la selección natural funciona.

Emirates Team New Zealand and Alinghi have been the most powerful equipment during the 13 disputed Louis Vuitton Acts between 2004 and 2007. Kiwis has gained two of them (Acts 2 and 12), and Swiss the anything less than eight (Acts 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 13). In addition, both have distributed the three seasons of America's Cup: Emirates Team New Zealand gained those of 2004 and 2006, Alinghi the one of 2005. Numbers that confirm that the natural selection works.

Cuando se enfrenten el 23 de junio por el primer punto del America’s Cup Match, habrán pasado 356 días desde su último duelo. Fue el 2 de julio de 2006, día 11 del Valencia Louis Vuitton Act 12. Ambos equipos llegaron a esa jornada al frente de la clasificación, y tuvieron que dirimir su empate con sendos encuentros el mismo día. El primero, a las 14:10, lo ganó Alinghi por 24 segundos tras aprovechar un error de maniobra de su rival en el último tramo, forzando un segundo enfrentamiento. Se celebraría a partir de las 16:30, con triunfo de Emirates Team New Zealand por 1:24, lo que les supuso ganar el Acto 12.

When the 23 of June by the first point of America's Cup Match face, they will have spent 356 days from its last duel. He was the 2 of July of 2006, day 11 of the Valencia Louis Vuitton Act 12. Both equipment arrived at that day to the front of the classification, and had to dissolve to their tie with individual encounter he himself day. First, to 14:10, section gained Alinghi by 24 seconds after taking advantage of an error maneuver of its rival in the last, forcing a second confrontation. It would be celebrated from 16:30, with triumph of Emirates Team New Zealand by 1:24, which supposed to them to gain Act 12.

Después del quinto y definitivo encuentro del America’s Cup Match de 2003, el 2 de marzo de aquel año, neozelandeses y suizos no se volverían a retar en un encuentro directo hasta el 9 de septiembre de 2004. Desde entonces, se han enfrentado en diez regatas de Match Race: 4 victorias para Alinghi, 6 para Emirates Team New Zealand. En 2006 disputaron 5 encuentros, y Alinghi sólo ganó uno, aunque también es cierto que los kiwis navegaron siempre con barco nuevo (NZL 84) y los suizos con barco antiguo (SUI 75).

After the fifth and definitive encounter of America' 2003 s Cup Match, the 2 of March of that year, Swiss neozelandeses and would not become to challenge in a direct encounter until the 9 of September of 2004. Since then, they have faced in ten regattas of Match Race: 4 victories for Alinghi, 6 for Emirates Team New Zealand. In 2006 they disputed 5 encounter, and Alinghi only gained one, although also it is certain that kiwis always sailed with new boat (NZL 84) and the Swiss with old boat (SUI 75).

Los números globales de cada equipo otorgan a Emirates Team New Zealand un 84% de efectividad (ha ganado 90 de 107 encuentros) y a Alinghi un 82% (61 de 74): Empate técnico.

The global numbers of each equipment grant to Emirates Team New Zealand a 84% of effectiveness (it has gained 90 of 107 encounter) and to Alinghi a 82% (61 of 74): Technical tie.

miércoles, 20 de junio de 2007

Iron Maiden

A pedido de Jochi para los que saben leer en ingles un poco de la banda de Heavy Metal de Inglaterra IRON MAIDEN.

To order of Jochi for which they know to read in English a little the band of Heavy Metal of England IRON MAIDEN.

I was introduced to Steve and Bruce when Gillan were playing Hammersmith Odeon back in the Eighties. I quite liked the lad at the time, and I met him subsequently at a few Maiden gigs after that. He always seemed quite intense and serious and aware of what was going on. As a person, Steve is one of the few people you meet that you can trust totally. He wouldn’t sell you down the river, he wouldn’t badmouth you behind your back; he’s a very straight fella. You can confide in him and it won’t get passed around, and he doesn’t bullshit. He has the ability to stand back and look at both sides of a situation, but if he’s convinced that he’s right, he will argue with every fibre of his body and he’ll never change his mind, which I think is a great strength. He has very strong mental tolerance. In situations where other bands might have caved in, the one thing that has kept Iron Maiden doing what it does best is Steve, because he has this belief that what he’s doing is right. When you’re in a young band and your record company come to you, saying, 'You need to soften up your sound, we need a single', Steve’s the kind of guy you need to turn round to them and say, 'Fuck off!' Steve has a very fertile imagination and a very simple way of writing lyrics. It’s not highbrow stuff – it’s deeper than that. He writes it as he sees it and you really get the feeling the words are from inside him. Every time I play the song ‘Blood Brothers’, it makes me shiver, because he hit the nail on the head. He lost his dad when he was on tour and when things like that happen to you, sometimes you go to deep places - everyone experiences that - but to be able to write it down is another thing. When you read his lyrics, there’s an honesty in there that comes out and he opens himself up more than he does when you’re talking to the guy. He’s a great football player and he had the choice to play football professionally or play music when he was a kid, but I think he made the right decision. I don’t think he could cope with the discipline of the footballer’s life at the time when you’re a teenager and you’re starting to meet people and get into music. He’s his own man. But having said that, he doesn’t drink much and he takes care of his body – that’s very important to him. Being a sportsman, his attitude is that if your body is healthy, your mind is too, and I think that helps with the band, because you don’t get locked into that stupid rock'n’roll 'let’s go party every night' lifestyle. He is an idiosyncratic bass player. He picked up the bass and taught himself in such a way that nobody can really copy it. People say it’s like a lead guitar, but it’s not. It gives the band a basis and it moves around quite a lot, but it’s the tone that he has. He has a way of hearing things and a tone that isn’t normally associated with a bass, it’s more like a rhythm guitar. Him and Nicko provide the pulse of Iron Maiden, the body of the band. You copy it at your peril, because the sound of Maiden is built around the way Steve plays bass and the only band that it would work in is Maiden. Steve has been very involved in the new album. He has this tunnel vision where he can really hone in on things and he has this tremendous focus when he’s recording albums - or doing anything with Iron Maiden really. He wants to get it right and he’s prepared to put the time in. Not many people have that kind of determination and focus. He is a very, very strong personality. Without his drive and ambition, it wouldn’t be Iron Maiden, no doubt about it. He’s its heart and its power.
I think my first encounter with Bruce was when he was rehearsing with Samson in Kilburn, which must have been 1979. I remember I was playing pool and Bruce came out of the studio and he was very animated and very loud and I thought, ‘Who is this geezer?!’ His personality was way in front of the man himself. But as I got to know Bruce, I realised that he is a very intense guy. In the early days when I joined Maiden, he was very extrovert, yet he was introverted at the same time. When he gets a great idea, he won’t let it go and he gets so animated, but other times he would be so intent on what he was thinking about, he would be in another world. His mind amazes me. He’s a genius. He’s also an absolute lunatic - but most geniuses are! And inside there’s a heart of gold. In the early days, there was a bit of ego. He was the frontman of the band, and you can’t be the stubborn brawny frontman of a band like Maiden and be timid and weak. Outwardly, very few things would phase him, but I know inwardly he’s a very sensitive man. We would have incredible times together, but he would also be a bit of a loner and go off and do his own bits and pieces. He got into his fencing, which I completely admired about him, because he’s superfit now, but he doesn’t work out half as much as he used to. He was such a good fencer, he was actually asked to join the Olympic fencing team in the mid-to-late Eighties, but he couldn’t because he had to go on the road with the band. Writing books was the next thing. He was unbearable when he was writing those Iffy Boatrace books, because you’d be doing something on the bus and he’d have just finished writing a new chapter and he’d want to read the whole fricking story to you! But he was so excited, you can’t blow someone out the sky for that. I was very angry with him when he left the band, because of the way it happened and because I didn’t want him to leave. But when we all got back in the room to take that beautiful picture of the reunion, it was as though we’d all been on holiday for a couple of months, instead of four-plus years and in Adrian’s case, ten almost. The most amazing thing about making music together is that you really bond with your music and also personally, in your inner soul. There’s an amazing vibe that’s always maintained and even though we had four great years with Blaze, when Bruce and Adrian came back into the band, there was this incredible affiliation again. A change I saw in Bruce from that time, apart from his enthusiasm for the band back like he had when I first joined it, is the genuineness of the emotion that I feel from him. He’s changed in that he seems more rounded and more content, although he’s doing so much more than before he left the band. He’s doing his radio show, he’s doing his flying and he’s got a part-time gig in a band as a singer! He is an absolute joy to be around. We’ve had so many great times on the ‘Give Me Ed’ tour, as we will do on the ‘Dance Of Death’ tour. I think his finest moment on ‘Dance Of Death’ has got to be on ‘Journeyman’, because it shows a lighter side to Bruce’s voice. There are a lot more subtle emotions than you get with some other tunes and there’s so much more control. The emotion he puts into that track is phenomenal.
Dave and I grew up in the same area of London and I think we probably met at the local youth club, through a mutual friend called Dave McLaughlin. I knew that Dave McLaughlin was already playing guitar and I told him that I was a singer. I wasn’t, but I thought I’d get in with these guys! Then I think Dave Mac introduced me to Dave Murray and we started playing together; they played guitar and I sang. When I first met him, he was a complete Hendrix nut and he loved Robin Trower and Santana, but I think he likes more blues based stuff these days. Back then, he had two guitars - he was very professional! His spare guitar from Woolworths wasn’t working, so I bought it off him for five quid and my dad fixed it, and that was my first guitar. It was a really nice guitar, as you can imagine! Dave Mac drifted out of the band into other things, and Dave Murray and I carried on playing together for a few years until he decided to broaden his horizons and eventually he joined Iron Maiden. I carried on with the band we’d had, which became Urchin; he actually came back into the band for a while after he fell out with Iron Maiden’s singer, but then he went back to them. Before they did the first album, Iron Maiden asked me to join them, but my band was doing quite well, so I turned it down. Then they asked me again in 1980. I think Dave rang up and said, 'Look, I think you really should do it' and I did. Dave is so easy-going and he’s a quiet guy. He has his moments, but generally, he goes with the flow. If you had six guys like Bruce or six guys like Steve in the band well, you need a combination of personalities. That’s what the chemistry of the band’s all about. In fact, I guess Dave and I are fairly similar. We’re both pretty laid-back and we’ve always got on very well. Another good thing about Dave is that he’s always got a smile on his face. He has good energy, which is always a good quality to have in a band. He’s a very consistent player, so it’s hard to pick his best moment on ‘Dance Of Death’, but the song ‘Rainmaker’ is one of my favourites and he wrote that with Steve, so I suppose I’d have to say that really. Dave’s a very good guitarist, but he’s not the kind of guy who tries to outdo everybody. There’s enough scope in Iron Maiden’s music for all three guitarists to express themselves. The phrase 'Let the music do the talking' springs to mind when you talk about Dave. He’s always been able to express himself very well through the guitar. He’s got his own style and sound, and that’s a rare thing. Everyone who plays guitar wants to have that and he always has, even when he’d just started playing. We could plug into the same amp and he’d still sound like him. If you hear Dave playing, you know it’s Iron Maiden straight away.
I first met Adrian when I was in Samson and he’d just joined Iron Maiden. We were over the road from each other in different studios; we were doing the second Samson album and he was doing ‘Killers’. He was very much the new boy in the band, but I was really impressed with the style of his guitar playing. And he was dead rock and roll. He was skinny, pasty and waiflike, and he looked really cool! He’s a pretty mellow person, and he’s got a very dry sense of humour. His nickname in the band used to be Willie-Orwontee - not for nothing! He likes to take his time over things, which is not a bad thing and in the old days when we used to do soundchecks together, we’d all be waiting for him, he’s such a perfectionist over sound. In a world populated by faceless guitarists who all go to school to learn how to do it and end up all sounding virtually indistinguishable, Adrian has evolved a tone and style that is all his own and is unique. Nobody sounds like Adrian, and that is priceless. His guitar playing sounds lazy, like the notes are almost falling over each other but they never do. You actually hang on every note that he plays, because you don’t quite know where it’s going to go next. He’s a very good athlete. When he plays football or tennis, he has a natural grace, and that’s what his guitar playing’s like. When he plays football, he gets the ball and you think, ‘He’s never going to get past that guy’, but suddenly, there’s a little shuffle and he’s dribbled past him. And it’s like watching him play guitar. I swear to God the timing is the same! When he left the band in 1990, I think everybody was a bit surprised at how much we missed him and certainly, I don’t think anybody had realised how much the fans would miss him - big time. I wouldn’t have rejoined Iron Maiden if he wasn’t in the band. I just don’t think it would have been complete without Adrian, and now, it’s great having three guitarists. I think possibly one of the greatest tracks he’s ever written is on the new album; it’s called ‘Paschendale’. When I was writing stuff with him for the album, I noticed he had lots of Siegfried Sassoon and other war books lying around, and he was researching this track. It’s a fantastic song and really evocative of the whole horrific period of warfare - a stunning piece of music, ten minutes long. Adrian’s philosophy, I guess, goes back to something we were talking about one drunken night. He turned around and said, 'The thing about me is, all I’m interested in is just having a bit of a sing and a play', and that is at the root of everything that is Adrian. He’s happy having a drink, having a sing and playing guitar. And for something that’s that simple, he does it alarmingly well - especially the guitar playing.
I saw Janick onstage before I actually met him, and that was when he was with Gillan at Wembley Arena. I saw this flamboyant showman dancing around the stage playing great guitar, and I thought it was absolutely wonderful. Then he came down to a few of our shows and I met him backstage in the bar and we hit it off pretty much immediately - he was a really nice bloke. In 1990, when Adrian left the band, Janick had just worked on Bruce’s solo album (‘Tattooed Millionaire’) and obviously, he was going to be the first choice as a replacement. But I remember at the beginning that Janick was actually defending Adrian - he was upset that he’d left the band and I think he was trying to talk him into coming back, which shows you what a good guy he is. He came down to rehearsal and the stacks had been set up facing each other, wall-to-wall, so it was like a stand-off in a Western like ‘The Good, The Bad And The Ugly’, except I think we both wanted to be Clint Eastwood! We did ‘The Trooper’, we just went straight into it, there was no 'Let’s work it out together quietly.' It was just like one, two, three, four… bang! And straight away, sparks were flying round the room! It was apparent right away that this was going to work. He was very exciting to play with and it gave the band a well-deserved kick up the rear. He is a genuine, salt-of-the-earth bloke, a very smart man with a great sense of humour. He’s a very sociable kind of chap. He likes going out strutting, especially on tour. He’ll go out for 20 mile walks and try to hit every bar on the way back! He’s a good soul. He’s got a very good way of calming things down if they suddenly start to go overboard. He can pull everything together and make sure that people see things the right way. He’s very good at expressing himself that way, a very diplomatic man. When he’s playing, he’ll push himself to the edge and really goes for it. There are two sides to it. His playing can be very controlled or it can be very spontaneous, but then he plays a lot of the melodic stuff. He’s got great feel, great dexterity, very fluid. So he’s fully rounded as a guitar player who goes from one extreme to another. He encompasses all aspects, from the quiet acoustic clean stuff into overdrive. It’s 360 degrees he plays everything. And he’s a great showman. He wrote the track ‘Dance Of Death’ and it’s got everything on there, from the quiet moody melodic guitar to clean guitar to really heavy riffs, but done in the most complex and beautiful and sweet and heavy way, done with really good taste. If that song was the alphabet, from A to Z, it’s got every letter in it.

With a character like Nicko, you never forget the first time you meet him! We were playing our first ever show abroad in Belgium and he was playing in a band called McKitty when I first saw him. He was sitting outside a café, dressed in a white suit, panama hat and winklepicker shoes. I thought he was a pimp or something from the way he was dressed! Larger than life, as he always has been and always will be, he had obviously had a couple of drinks and was chatting off, and I thought, ‘Wow, who is this character?’ It was quite an amazing experience to meet him and it still is really, he’s just a whirlwind. I suppose he’s calmed down a little bit over the years, but not a lot - but you wouldn’t really want him to. He was with Trust when they supported us in ‘82 and we thought he was a fantastic drummer, so when Clive left the band, we approached Nick and asked if he’d like to try out and it worked fantastically. It’s hard to describe what he’s like if you haven’t met him. I know people see him on the videos and that, and they think he’s crazy - and he is! But there’s a lot more to him than that. He flies planes and does all sorts of other things. He’s a more complex guy than you might think. He’s just really good fun to have around. I’m a bit on the shy side, so when we go out to meet people, I usually take him with me, because he’s a laugh and he’s got so much verbal, he takes the pressure off me. I just have to stand smiling in the background! He is without a doubt the entertainer of the band. I really do think he could be a stand-up comedian if he wanted to. He half does that when he does his drum clinics. He tells these little stories and comes out with all these jokes. Often they’re in Spain or Italy or somewhere like that, and half the time, I’m sure the audience don’t really understand him, but he’s laughing at his own jokes anyway, so they laugh along with him! It really is a sight to behold, so I would recommend anyone to see his drum clinics, whether they’re into drums or not. Technically, he’s a great drummer and he can play all kinds of music. Drummers from other bands sit round the back of him to see what he’s doing, but he’s got his kit set so he doesn’t even look at what he’s hitting half the time. He just puts his head down and plays. He’s got his first songwriting credit with Maiden on ‘Dance Of Death’ with ‘New Frontier’. About time – he’s only been in the band 20 years! But the first one is probably the hardest to bring in to the other band members, especially when you’ve been in the band so long, and he’s up and running now, so I think it will give him the confidence to write stuff in future. Any variation in writing is a good thing and everyone is encouraged to write in this band; the only criteria is that it’s got to be bloody good.
Ojala venga a Argentina este año 2007.
Hopefully year 2007 comes to east Argentina.

lunes, 18 de junio de 2007

Nuevos Integrantes/New Members

El team se ha reunido a través de Internet y ha resuelto que hay 2 integrantes nuevos ellos son:

Mirko Rupani de Concepción del Uruguay

Tomas Dietrich de Rosario

Hay una persona que se ha enterado antes de algunos integrantes de que Mirko iba a estar en el equipo, pero todavía no estaba confirmado entonces le avisamos que ya forma parte del team, entendiste Magali.

Team has met through Internet and has solved that are 2 members new they are:

Mirko Rupani de Concepción of Uruguay

Tomas Dietrich de Rosario

There is a person who has found out before some members that Mirko was going to be in the equipment, but was still not confirmed then we warned to him that already she comprises of team, you understood Magali.

Semana de la Bandera/ Week of the Flag

Este fin de semana 16 y 17 de junio se disputo el campeonato Semana de de la Bandera donde corrieron las clases Laser Standard, Laser Radial, Laser 4.7 y Snipe. El campeonato de Laser fue organizado por el Y.C.R. y el campeonato de Snipe por el C.V.R., aunque las 2 clases corrieron en la misma cancha. El Y.C.R. daba la largada y el C.V.R. la llegada.

This weekend 16 and 17 of June I dispute to the championship Week of of the Flag where the classes Laser Standard, Laser Radial, Laser 4.7 and Snipe ran. The championship of Laser was organized by the Y.C.R and the championship of Snipe by the C.V.R., although the 2 classes ran in the same field. The Y.C.R gave released and to the C.V.R the arrival.

Se corrió en la laguna del SACO con vientos leves, fue un total de 6 regatas para todas las clases. El primer día soplo del sector norte-noroeste, donde se corrieron 3 regatas con un viento constante pero que oscilaba bastante. El viento fue mas fuerte en la segunda regata pero para la tercer regata volvió a bajar y al final del día ya no había nada. Ese mismo día a la noche se hizo la cena de camarería en el Y.C.R. donde nos juntamos todos a comer y después algunos salieron a bailar y otros nos fuimos a dormir, pero la gran mayoría se fue a dormir lo cual es raro.

It was run in the lagoon of the COAT with slight winds, was a total of 6 regattas for all the classes. The first day blowing of the sector the north-northwest, where 3 regattas with a constant wind were run but that it oscillated enough. The wind was but strong in the second regatta but for the third regatta it returned to lower and at the end of the day no longer there was nothing. That same day to the night the supper in the Y.C.R where we joined all to eat and later some left to dance and other we went away to sleep, but the great majority went away to sleep which is rare.

El segundo día el viento fue mas leve que el primero, en la segunda regata el viento fue calmando y después hubo un tiempo en que los Snipe tuvieron que esperar que se levante un poco de viento para poder correr su sexta regata, los laser como largábamos a las 11 horas pudimos llegar a correr la sexta regata y volvimos al club mas temprano. Los Snipe largaba a las 12 horas y lo que para nosotros fue la segunda regata para ellos fue la primera.

The second day the wind was but slight that the first, in the second regatta wind was calming and later there was a time in which the Snipe had to hope that a little wind rises to be able to run his sixth regatta, the laser as we released to the 11 hours we could get to run the sixth regatta and we returned early to the club but. The Snipe released to the 12 hours and what for us it was the second regatta for them was first.

La entrega de premios se hizo en el C.V.R. y los resultados finales fueron:


1er puesto: Agustín Zabalua y Mariano Arroyos

2do puesto: Federico Pierson y Gonzalo Cáceres

3er puesto: Adolfo Benavides y Guido Marlocceti


1er puesto: Florencia Guerra y Sebastián Guerra


1er puesto: Trixi Agusti y su hermana

1er puesto: Mariela Sapia y Carlos Rodríguez


1er puesto: Nicolás Capdevilla y Rodrigo Nisi

Laser Standard:

1er puesto: Federico Buiatti

2do puesto: Diego Baialardo

3er puesto: Leandro Altolaguierre


1er puesto: Luis Dellanoy


1er puesto: Leandro Altolaguierre

2do puesto: Andrés Quagliotti

Laser Radial:

1er puesto: Mirko Rupani

2do puesto: Juan Pablo Bisio

3er puesto: Ignacio Nocerino


1er puesto: Florencia Buiatti

Laser 4.7:

1er puesto: Pilar Manero

2do puesto: Gaston Bisio

3er puesto: Celeste Berasategui


1er puesto: Pilar Manero

Del Pururú Laser Team nada mas corrieron Andy en Standard y Niko en Radial, Aqua como entrenador, Andy quedo 6to en la general y Niko quedo 6to

Of the Laser Pururú Team nothing else they ran Andy in Standard and Niko in Radial, Aqua like trainer, Andy I am left 6 in the general and Niko I am 6

En Radial y 4.7 no se entrego junior ya que los que corrían eran todos juniors y en las otras clases se le entrego al primero nada mas.

In Radial and 4.7 I do not give junior since those that ran were all juniors and in the other classes I give myself to him to first nothing else.

Resultados by Niko.
Results by Niko.

Saludos a todos los seguidores del Pururú Laser Team.

Greetings to all the followers of the Laser Pururú Team.

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2007

Dingo se va, Aqua viene/ Dingo goes away, Aqua comes

Dingo que actualmente se encuentra como entrenador de laser del CVR mañana 14 de junio se va a Estados Unidos por 3 meses.

Dingo that at the moment is as trainer of laser of CVR tomorrow 14 of June goes away to the United States by 3 months.

Aqua va a tomar el puesto de entrenador hasta que dingo vuelva de USA, asique se convierte en el nuevo entrenador del CVR y del Pururú Laser Team.

Aqua is going to take the position from trainer until dingo returns from the USA, asique becomes the new trainer of the CVR and the Laser Pururú Team.

Buen viaje de parte de todos los integrantes del Team.

Have a good travel from all the members of the Team .

GPL por equipos/ GPL by equipment

En los días 9 y 10 de junio se llevo a cabo, en el recientemente abierto “Saco”, con una organización conjunta del Y.C.R y el C.V.R.

In days 9 and 10 of June I am carried out, in recently opened “Saco”, with a joint organization of the Y.C.R and the C.V.R.

El día sábado 9, no se pudo correr debido a la falta de viento, pero el domingo con un viento de entre 7 y 9 nudos se pudo completar las regatas en su totalidad.

The day Saturday 9, could not be run due to the lack of wind, but Sunday with a wind of between 7 and 9 knots could be completed the regattas in its totality.

El campeonato de Optimist, que fue organizado por el C.V.R, se dividió en principiantes y timoneles. El de timoneles fue ganado por el equipo del C.V.R formado por Nicolás Coppari, Rodrigo Augsburger, Nicolás Quagliotti, Brenda Quagliotti y Luis Soland, el segundo lugar fue para el Regatas San Nicolás y en un tercer lugar el Yacht Club Rosario.

The championship of Optimist that was organized by the C.V.R was divided in nascent and helmsmen. The one of helmsmen was gained by the equipment of the C.V.R formed by Nicholas Coppari, Rodrigo Augsburger, Nicholas Quagliotti, Brenda Quagliotti and Luis Soland, the second place was for the Regattas San Nicholas and in a third places the Yacht Club Rosario.

En principiantes el ganador fue el Club Náutico Villa Constitución (C.N.V.C.), el segundo lugar fue para Club Náutico Parana (C.N.P.) y Santa Fe, y el tercer lugar para el Y.C.R.

In nascent the winner Villa was the Club Nautical Constitution (C.N.V.C.), the second place was for Club Nautical Parana (C.N.P.) and Santa Fe, and the third place for the Y.C.R.

En cuanto a Laser Radial fue organizado por el Y.C.R, donde solo se presentaron equipos del Y.C.R, quedando como ganador el equipo formado por Tomas Pellejero, Bruno Piccininni y Juan Pablo Bisio, seguido por el equipo, compuesto con un integrante del Pururú Laser Team, Niko, y por Tomas Dietrich y Florencia Buiatti, ocupando el tercer lugar quedo el equipo conformado por Gastón Bisio, el legendario Agustín Peralta y Lucía Manero.

As far as Laser Radial it was organized by the Y.C.R, where single equipment of the Y.C.R appeared, staying as winner the equipment formed by Tomas Pellejero, Bruno Piccininni and Juan Pablo Bisio, followed by the equipment, composed with a member of the Laser Pururú Team, Niko, and by Tomas Dietrich and Florence Buiatti, occupying the third place I am left the equipment conformed by Gastón Bisio, the legendary Agustín Peralta and Lucia Manero.

Esperamos que se repita nuevamente este tipo de campeonatos, siendo de gran agrado para los navegantes de la clase Laser.

We hoped that this type of championships is repeated again, being of great affability for the navigators of the Laser class.

Saludos para todos los seguidores del Pururú Laser Team y a los no seguidores también.

Greetings for all the followers of the Laser Pururú Team and to the no following ones also.


viernes, 8 de junio de 2007

Copa América / America’s Cup

Desde el 1ro de junio hasta el día 6 de junio en Valencia se llevo acabó La Louis Vuitton Cup Final donde se sabría quien seria el retador de la Copa América, ósea el que se enfrentara al actual defensor Alinghi (SUI).

From 1ro of June to day 6 of June in Valencia I take finished the Louis Vuitton Final Cup where it would be known that serious the challenger of the America Glass, bony the one that faced the present Alinghi (SUI) defender.

Los 2 barcos que se enfrentaron en esta final fueron: Emirates Team New Zealand(NZL) y Luna Rossa Challenge(ITA). El vencedor fue el equipo de Nueva Zelanda Emirates Team New Zealand que gano 5 a 0.

The 2 boats that faced in this end were: Emirates Team New Zealand (NZL) and Luna Rossa Challenge (ITA). The winner was the equipment of New Zealand Emirates Team New Zealand that I gain 5 to 0.

Ahora se enfrentara al Alinghi a partir del 23 de junio del 2007 donde se definirá quien será el ganador de esta edición de la America’s Cup. La ultima America’s Cup tambien se enfrentaron estos 2 equipos con la diferencia que el barco neozelandés era el defensor de la misma, y donde el Alinghi gano 5 a 0.

Now one faced the Alinghi from the 23 of June of the 2007 where it will be defined that will be the winner of this edition of America's Cup. It completes America' s Cup also faced these 2 equipment with the difference that the New Zealander boat was the defender of the same one, and where the Alinghi I gain 5 to 0.


Algunas Fotos

lunes, 4 de junio de 2007

Gran Prix del Litoral YCR

Este fin de semana 2 y 3 de junio se disputo en Rosario el Gran Prix del Litoral (GPL) del Yacht Club Rosario (YCR), en el cual participaron 4 integrantes del equipo, ellos fueron: Niko y Andy en Laser Radial, Agus y Manu en Optimist.

This weekend 2 and 3 of June I dispute in Rosario the Great Prix of the Coast (GPL) of Yacht Club Rosario (YCR), in which 4 members of the equipment participated, they were: Niko and Andy in Laser Radial, Agus and Manu in Optimist.

El primer día sábado 2 de junio la jornada empezó a las 10 hs aprox. con las inscripciones y el armado de los barcos para luego ir a correr las regatas que se largaban a las 13 hs. El viento soplaba del sector noroeste con rachas de hasta 18 nudos aprox. y las regatas se disputaron en una laguna que desemboca al Rió Paraná.

The first day Saturday 2 of June the day began 10 hs approx with the inscriptions and the armed one of the boats soon to go to run the 13 regattas that were released to hs. The wind blew of the sector the north-west with gusts of wind of up to 18 knots approx and the regattas were disputed in a lagoon that ends to the river Parana.

El segundo día domingo 3 de junio se largaba a las 11 hs, por lo que a las 8:30 hs teníamos que armar los barcos así a las 9:30 hs tiremos al agua para ir a la cancha de regata. En este día el viento había descendido bastante y lo máximo que llego a soplar fue de unos 10 nudos aprox.

The second day Sunday 3 of June hs was released to 11, reason why to 8:30 hs we had to arm to the boats thus to 9:30 hs we throw to the water to go to the regatta field. In this day the wind had descended enough and the maximum that I get to blow was of about 10 knots approx.

El equipo no tuvo una buena actuación, porque el primer día no fue el mejor para el equipo a excepción de Manu, que tuvo 2 puestos entre los 10 primeros, Agus en la primer regata le había ido bien obteniendo 1 primer puesto pero en la segunda regata no pudo terminar, a Niko no le fue muy bien pero tuvo 2 regatas entre los 10 y un 11 en la ultima, Andy no estuvo tan mal pero tuvo un par de percances en las 2 ultimas regatas del día sábado, obteniendo 2 puestos entre los 5 primeros y 1 entre los 10. El día domingo Niko le fue un poco mejor obteniendo un puesto entre los 5, otro entre los 10 y en la otra regata fue su descarte, a Andy no le fue tan bien ya que estaba con fiebre y no pudo terminar la última regata, y Agus y Manu se mantuvieron entre los primeros en las 3 regatas.

The equipment did not have a good performance, because the first day was not the best one for the equipment with the exception of Manu, that had 2 positions between the 10 first, Agus in the first regatta had gone to him or obtaining 1 first position but in the second regatta it could not finish, to Niko was not to him very or but it had 2 regattas between the 10 and 11 in it completes it, Andy was not so bad but it had a pair of mishaps in the 2 you complete regattas of the day Saturday, obtaining 2 positions between 5 first and 1 between the 10. The day Niko Sunday was to him a little better obtaining a position between the 5, another one between the 10 and in the other regatta it was his discarding, to Andy it was not to him so well since it was with fever and the last regatta could not finish, and Agus and Manu stayed between first in the 3 regattas.

Los puestos generales fueron:

4 puesto para Agus
7 puesto para Manu

5 puesto para Andy
7 puesto para Niko

The general positions were:

4 position for Agus
7 position for Manu

5 position for Andy
7 position for Niko

viernes, 1 de junio de 2007


El equipo esta conformado por 8 navegantes, de los cuales 5 somos de Rosario y los 3 restantes de Córdoba. Actualmente Nico, Niko y Andy navegamos en Laser Radial, Alfredo en Laser 4.7, Aqua en Snipe, Agus y Manu en Optimist, Dingo como entrenador y Cucho buscando Laser.

The equipment this conformed by 8 navigators, of who 5 we are of Rosario and the 3 rest of Cordoba. At the moment Nico, Niko and Andy we sailed in Laser Radial, Alfredo in Laser 4.7, Aqua in Snipe, Agus and Manu in Optimist, Dingo like trainer and Cucho looking for Laser.